The Purpose of Listening

What drives us to talk? And to listen? These are the questions that are rolling around
in my mind following our PD around growth conversations yesterday. I think there
are a whole range of reasons why we discuss our thinking and ideas with others
but overall two reasons stand out to me: we share to be understood and we
listen to understand. We collaborate to build meaning together.

It’s got me thinking about the students in my class. When they are listening,
why do they listen? Is it compliance listening - because they know they need
to be respectful and listen at school? Do they truly understand that to listen is
to understand other people, their views and the world around them? Do they truly
understand that to listen is to have their ideas extended or challenged or improved?
And surely, if they really understood that, they would seek out more opportunities to
independently engage in purposeful discussion about their ideas and thinking.

Am I creating an environment where there is an authentic need for collaboration
and discussion and a genuine purpose for listening to others?

Moving forward I’m going to be thinking about the following things.

Language: How am I using language in a way that models the type of communication
culture I am trying to build?
Learning: How much ownership of the learning do the students actually have across all
aspects of the curriculum?
Collaboration: Do THEY feel the need to communicate and collaborate to move their
learning forward?
Communication: Do students have the understandings, skills and knowledge to be
effective listeners and communicators?
