A moment from the classroom....

I know all that all of us have amazing teaching moments everyday and often never the time to share, talk or even reflect upon them! I was reminded today how simple a blog post can be and the power it can have. By writing this post I get to reflect on the following teaching moment and realise 2 things;
- Wow, these kids are moving from being listeners and absorbers of information to action makers!
- They are moving from that because of the shift in culture I (along with the children)
are trying to create in our classroom. (Go us teachers!)

I just wanted to share some snapshots of learning that took place today in our class.
We had the split screen up; What are the different types of persuasive texts that we know
and can see? But at the same time, developing learner agency and focusing on, How will I know
where to take my learning next? So focusing on themselves as a learner (rather than a group aspect)

Here, the boys are exploring the simple power of a persuasive image.

I wanted the children to have a chance to explore different ways of writing persuasively,
so they could really inquire into the language and techniques that authors use to persuade!
We explored with pictures, adverts, letters, podcast, blog post (written by children) and picture
story books! Each with a focus question on language or technique.

Here, children are realising that picture story books can be a form of persuasive text!
(this was actually a rather funny AHA moment, perhaps another blog post needed)

Again, exploring picture story books and being exposed to the rich language of persuasion in
another way!

Here, exploring podcasts (some posted by students at our school) and realising that people
use this as a way of expressing their opinion. Oh, the debates that came from listening to these!

I asked myself throughout this session, Have I used the right guiding questions? Have I provoked
their thinking? I have sparked their interest? Are they starting to notice the language and techniques?
WELL after 1 hour and 37 minutes and not one child had come to me and said “I’m finished” or
“What do we do next” (which, let’s be honest is pretty impressive for our little munchkins)
The answer was YES! It was just exciting to see every child engaged at their level, connecting with
online portals and then most importantly, chomping at the bit to create their own!!

I told you….Action Makers!!
